Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Goodness of Grandma

Steve's mom and dad clearly love their whole family. They are interested in and involved in all of our lives. When Liam came home in 2010 they lovingly opened up their hearts to their newest grandson. Needless to say, they are smitten with him and the feelings are mutual. Their excitement to become grandparents again matched our excitement to become parents again to Kinley. A few months into the process, Edwina shared what she had been up to. She only learned to knit a few years ago. Over the last several months, she had taken to knitting these super cool scarves and then selling them to whomever was interested. Her desire was to use the money she made to purchase clothing for the children in Kinley's orphanage. WOW! Knock us off our rocker. As I have said before and will say again, there are parts of this journey that there are not words to describe. Edwina's generosity is one such occasion. With her profits in hand she solicited the help of Miss Jenna and the two were off like ladies on a mission. Below is the fruit of their labor.

Her original thought was to ship this but customs has been holding up many items headed to the orphanages in China (another one of those things that doesn't make sense). So, plan 'B' is that we are taking these donations. We have told Liam he doesn't get to ride in the stroller any longer because he has to pull a suitcase!

Bob and Edwina~sporting on of her handmade creations. xoxo

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